- 09.05.2017
At #MCB17, Adam B. Ellick answered our questions about the recent developments in journalism, and the new set of skills this requires of reporters, the importance of brand awareness and audience development and the balance of entertainment and "serious" reporting.
- 09.05.2017
Throughout his career, John Gaeta has managed to harness the latest technologies for creative storytelling. In our vodeo interview, her tells us about what drives him in his creative work.
- 07.05.2017
Tomorrow at 10:30 a.m., Berlin's governing mayor Michael Müller will open MEDIA CONVENTION Berlin and re:publica. The two events taking place simultaneously at STATION Berlin are once again expecting about 8,000 visitors from over 60 countries.
- 15.04.2017
Jim Egan, CEO, BBC Global News Ltd, will be part of the MCB17-Panel on Journalism caught in a credibility dilemma. In our interview, he talks about how the media landscape changed in the last ten years.
- 13.04.2017
Melek Balgün wird auf der MCB17 am Panel "E-Sport auf dem Weg zum weltweiten Franchise?" teilnehmen.
- 12.04.2017Mit Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger wird auf der #MCB17 eine der profiliertesten politischen Streiterinnen für den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Daten teilnehmen.
- 12.04.2017
Prof. Vladan Joler and Djordje Krivokapic of the SHARE Foundation are visualising the process and data usage behind Facebook’s newsfeed at MCB17
- 12.04.2017
This year, MCB will yet again provide a huge platform for innovative TV formats. Within the session “Film and TV Made in Germany – Meet the Teams”, two series – “jerks.” and “4 Blocks” – which are enriching the landscape of German TV with their blunt and authentic narrative voice will present themselves.
- 12.04.2017
Storytelling with VR und AR: Steve Sullivan, director of the Holographic Video initiative at Microsoft, will present Microsoft’s new technology for Holographic Video production at #MCB17.
- 06.04.2017
Prof. Frank Pasquale (University of Maryland) will open MCB17 with his keynote on the power of algorithms. In our video interview, he gives us a short introduction to "The Automated Public Sphere".
- 04.04.2017
"Das Bohemian Browser Ballett ist das Musikantenstadl für junge Leute...". Bei dieser vielversprechenden Präsentation freuen wir uns noch mehr, dass Martin Danisch & Schlecky Silberstein zur #MCB17 kommen und das Bohemian Browser Ballett im Media Cube vorstellen.
- 30.03.2017
85 Millionen Dollar wurden 2016 in Preisgeldern an eSport-Teams und Player ausgeschüttet. eSport könnte als erster Sport direkt mit einer weltweiten Liga an den Start gehen. Wie die Branche funktioniert und wer die wichtigsten Player sind, klärt die #MCB17.