Martin Florian

Dr. Martin Florian leitet am Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft die Forschungsgruppe "Vertrauen in verteilten Umgebungen". Aktueller Schwerpunkt seines interdisziplinären Teams (Informatik-Recht-Wirtschaft-Soziologie) sind dezentrale Systeme und Blockchain.
- Arbeitete er (von April 2017 bis Februar 2018) in der Innovationsabteilung der Bundesdruckerei GmbH an Lösungen für Datenschutz, Datenanalyse und Identitätsmanagement, sowie an Blockchain-inspirierten verteilten Systemen.
- Forschte er (von Oktober 2012 bis März 2017) am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) zu Privatheit im "smarten Straßenverkehr", Peer-to-Peer-Systemen und Bitcoin.
- Since March 2018: Head of research group at Weizenbaum Institute for the networked society. Topic: interdisciplinary (informatics/law/economy/sociology) research on the topic of “Trust in distributed environments”. Current focal point in this area presently is ‘decentralised systems and blockchain’.
- April 2017 to February 2018: Employee in the innovation department of Bundesdruckerei GmbH. Works regarding data protection, big data, security, identity management, and blockchain-inspired distributed systems.
- October 2006 to March 2017: Informatics student and scientific staff member at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). Doctorate and research regarding technical protection of privacy, e.g. in and with the help of peer-to-peer systems and bitcoin.
- April 2017 to February 2018: Employee in the innovation department of Bundesdruckerei GmbH. Works regarding data protection, big data, security, identity management, and blockchain-inspired distributed systems.
- October 2006 to March 2017: Informatics student and scientific staff member at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). Doctorate and research regarding technical protection of privacy, e.g. in and with the help of peer-to-peer systems and bitcoin.