Jeanette Hofmann is a political scientist with a focus on Internet regulation. At the WZB Berlin Social Science Center she heads the research group 'The Internet Policy Field', which studies the institutionalization of Internet regulation on the national level. She is co-director of the Berlin-based Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, professor of Internet policy at the Freie Universität Berlin, and principal investigator at the newly founded Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society. At the latter institute, she heads two research groups on 'digitalisation and democracy' and 'quantification and regulation'. In addition to her academic work, Jeanette has been involved in various political processes such as the UN World Summit on the Information Society, the Internet Governance Forum, and, as an expert member, in the committee of inquiry of the German Parliament "Internet and Digital Society".
Jeanette Hofmann
Professorin für Internetpolitik / Direktorin