Christian Bollert
Managing director

Christian Bollert is founder and managing director of the German nationwide podcastlabel and onlineradio is one of the leading podcast-labels and onlineradios in Germany. The team has won the German Radioprize 2012 for best innovation, is a three time nominee for the Grimme Online Award and one of the Kultur- and Kreativpiloten, an award organized by the German Department of Trade and Industry. In 2019 is celebrating it's tenth anniversary. is partnering with media companies like brand eins, Deezer,, Monopol Magazin, taz - die tageszeitung,, Spotify or Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Before his involvement in he worked as freelance radio-, newspaper and onlinejournalist. Christian Bollert has worked and studied abroad in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and in Manchester, England. In 2013 he was part of the Yound Leadership programme of the International Visitor Programme of the United States.